I’m one of those people who will close my eyes, open my Bible and point to a spot on the page then read the scripture that I randomly picked, then wonder in amazement how that verse seemed to fit in my life today. That’s typically how I pick where to read, or how I pick my “Scripture of the Day” for my posts. At least I open it and it’s not just collecting dust on my nightstand. I think that’s how most people who say things like, “God bless you” but don’t go to church regularly, aren’t saved but say they believe, typically do things. They’re standing there at the open doorway, just waiting to take a step. Whether it’s toward, or away, could be up to you. You never, ever, really know what motivates a person.
Everything I post is for my amusement, entertainment and from my perspective. How I see things, not anyone else. I certainly don’t claim to be an expert at anything, other than being me. I also never posted that I am a Christian, how other people should live their lives, or that I am always right.
Social Media is a double-edged sword wielding giant. Used for great things, but people have to choose whether they will use their “powers” for good or evil. For the most part people I think people are “lukewarm” – there is a scripture I like that could go with that, but I don’t want to seem self-righteous.
Speaking of self-righteous and social media, I did something yesterday. Quite purposely, to see what kind of reactions I would get. I must say I was surprised…at first. Then when I thought about it some more, I was more disappointed, but not surprised. It is what it is, and life will go on.
When I scroll through my FB newsfeed there are people who post pics of their families and kids and talk about how wonderful their life is together, etc. These posts get criticized because, “we know your life isn’t that perfect” or “no one is that happy”, so along with the “dislike button” we wish for an “eye roll” button.
Usually, I post things that have to do with cooking, because that’s what I like. Other times I post about my kids, TONS of pictures and then of course Hubs. I tease my Hubs often. I joke that I do all the heavy thinking or I tease him, publicly, for the silly things he does. It’s funny to me, and it’s funny to other people – including Hubs. I don’t know this because people “like” my FB posts, I know this because we are often approached while grocery shopping, at games or just out and about. They tell us, “omg that made me laugh. You guys are crazy!” These aren’t secrets people. I’m not talking shit about my husband “behind his back”…on the Internet. (Duh.)
Then there are the posts where people bitch and moan and air their dirty laundry with filthy language (can’t spell for shit – yes, I know I have misspellings here and there but you can tell I at least made it to 8th grade) and just draw/spread negativity. Then again, I can’t presume to know someone’s motivation behind their posts. It’s not for me to speculate or judge, criticize or assume. Wait…that’s getting a little Christian-ish so…let’s go back to my FB post.
If you have read my blog, here is what you should know about me so far:
I am trying to apply daily scripture to my day’s experience. – Now, I did not grow up in the church, I do not have a set devotional time, and I am practicing to be a Christian. I don’t think I can say that I actually am one, because Christian is “Christ-like” and well…clearly I am not.
I am only human. I am a stay at home mother (SAHM), love my children and my husband very much, but often feel like poking them in the eye with a sharp stick.(That’s normal, but it’s not nice.) I cuss, (it’s not ladylike and a bad habit, but at least I don’t smoke anymore) and I covet. I will window shop online and covet like a madwoman.
I pick a random scripture and try to apply it to my own personal current events. I am not trying to actually create dialogue about religion, beliefs, and have actual theology discussions. I am certainly not flinging scripture at you in the same manner a monkey flings shit at the zoo.
I started blogging to laugh at myself and my weaknesses. You know, when I stumble from trying to be Christ-like. Being a nice person ALL the time is hard, especially in this society. I think I am showing you I am aware of my weaknesses and what I do to try to correct my behavior, as best I can. I’m not blogging for approval or acceptance. I’m bored and just like everyone else that has a blog for whatever reason, I too, am inflicting my opinions on the world.
So…FB. I am one of those people who posts often. Mostly those annoying pictures of food and my kids, or my kids making food. Mostly they are moments I catch my people doing things that warm my heart or make me proud. Me, not you…but I’m going to share that moment with you. I laughed, maybe you will too. I thought it was cute, maybe you will too. Perhaps you had a shitty day and my #GilbertFunnies made you smile. Mission accomplished. Have a nice day. Mostly, it’s because in that moment I captured, for one reason or another, “my cup runneth over” and I am excited about life in general. Maybe I offended you. Maybe, you offended me first, or maybe…I just don’t care.
Do you remember that movie, “Castaway” with Tom Hanks and his friend Wilson, the volleyball? There is a scene in that movie that describes the feeling behind my FB posts.
Yesterday I posted this:
I do complain, but this post is not how I actually feel about Hubs. Not everything is moonlight and roses, so let’s re-examine this post, this time through rose-colored glasses. I think everyone should have an imaginary pair to look through whenever things seem negative or hard or frustrating. I use mine when I’m looking for my daily blessing I said I would post.
What first changed the attitude of this post was my adding, “while you were sleeping”. Of course Hubs was sleeping in, it’s his day off. Why shouldn’t he? Have you not been reading how he is a hard worker? In fact, if I wrote this on a work day, it would have been, “while you were at work…” because Gilbert wakes up at 4:30 a.m. to commute to work. He leaves the house around 4:45 a.m., picks up The Guys that he gives rides to, and works a long, gross and laborious day. He usually gets home by 4 p.m. and then we are off to some school/kid related thing. He works at a Hog Farm and it took me about a year to get used to the pig smell that still lingers on his hands after he’s showered. He works 7 days on 3 days off and then the following week it’s 8 on and 3 off – but in my husband’s case lately he’s been working 9 on 1 off and then 10 on and 1 off.
I worded my FB post that way because people are selfish and complainers. While you were thinking that about me, did you remember to thank YOUR spouse for being YOUR spouse today? Things aren’t always pretty and relationships are never perfect, but sometimes if you use your rose-colored glasses, they do help you see what my favorite pastor reminds us often.
You’re doing better than you think you are.
Love your people, remember to thank them for just being them, and cherish every minute you have. Life itself is never guaranteed, so not only should you stop and smell the roses once in awhile, try looking at things through rose-colored glasses a little more often and when you do, don’t think that you are trying to make things better than they actually are. Believe that things are not as bad as you are making it seem.
“While you were sleeping” – is a fact. Hubs was sleeping in.
“Finally fixed the kitchen drawer…” – is a fact. I kept saying I would get to it and I finally did.
“…organized the crap…” – well, they are junk drawers and some of it is just crap taking up space. It did need organizing, I just needed to fix the drawer first.
“You’re also welcome for drinking my coffee…” – Hubs drinks my coffee every time he has the day off. He thinks he’s funny, but I know he’s going to. That’s why I make a bigger pot on those days.
“The first thing you do is speak to me in a tone that pisses me off…” – true, but sometimes people misunderstand, misinterpret and start shit for no apparent reason than it’s human nature.
My post wasn’t mean and complaining. It was the tone you chose to read it in.
Scripture of the Day:
2 Timothy 2:23-25(NLT)
23 Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. 24 A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. 25 Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth.
Today’s blessing that I would like to highlight is my son Michael. I’m thankful my husband has affordable medical insurance for our family, and feel in my heart it is a real blessing that the news was ‘only’ that he cannot continue to wrestle his senior year. It could have been so much worse.